The Power of Letting Go for Vibrational Upgrades

On this week´s Mindful Monday episode, discover the transformative power of emotional landscapes with me, Jodi Cornish, as we traverse the peaks and valleys of our inner worlds. April has been a month of potent energy—its full moon, eclipse, and retrograde have served as catalysts for our healing journeys. In this episode of the High Vibes Lifestyle Podcast, I share the profound shifts I've felt, opening up about personal sensitivities and the release of old energies. We'll also explore the bedrock of self-care practices that have anchored us during times of spiritual awakening, from the nourishing effects of hydration and nutrition to the stabilizing forces of movement and grounding.

Are you ready to embrace the strength of nurturing communities and the importance of setting boundaries for personal growth? I'll take you through the process of emotional sorting, reflecting on the bittersweet task of going through my late parents' belongings—each item a marker on my ever-unfolding path of healing and gratitude. Then, we'll delve into the complexities of allowing love into our lives, facing our emotions head-on, and the courage it takes to believe in our self-worth. As we bid farewell to April and welcome the beauty of May, I encourage you to continue your journey of self-love and healing, and I am grateful for the companionship we share on this path to renewal.

Emotional Healing, Transition, Full Moon, Eclipses, Retrogrades, Sensitivity, Self-Care, Community, Boundaries, Grief, Self-Love, Self-Reflection, Mindfulness, Heart Healing, Romantic Love, Emotional Turmoil, Self-Improvement, Self-Worth, Spring, Renewal, Beauty

*Ending poem written by Reyna Biddy


Healing + Discovery Through Sexual Energy with Sasha Cobra


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