Rainbows, Moonbeams, and Memories: Honoring Pride Season + Ancestors

As the Flower Moon's glow fades and the echoes of Pride Week's celebrations still dance in the air, I, Jodi Cornish, am reaching out to you with stories that sparkle with identity and love. We'll unwrap the layers of joy and struggle faced by our LGBTQ+ community, while also pausing to remember the brave individuals we honor on Memorial Day. Expect a blend of emotions as we navigate the nuances of the lunar cycle's influence on our energy and mood, and as your guide, I'll be sharing how setting intentions can illuminate our paths through the summer months ahead.

Feel the warmth as we come together to cherish the memories of those who have left indelible marks on our hearts, like my dear parents, Irene and James. In this episode, I reveal my rituals that transcend the physical distance and keep the flame of remembrance alight. Join me in embracing the ebb and flow of grief, and the creation of new traditions. As we navigate through life's transitions, I encourage you to let go of the old, savor the present blessings, and stay tuned for exciting announcements and projects that will surely elevate our shared journey. Whether it's a candlelit beach ceremony or the soothing hum of singing bowls, let's embrace these moments

LGBTQ+, Pride Week, Memorial Day, Lunar Cycle, Energy, Mood, Setting Intentions, Summer Months, LGBTQ+ Education, Beachside Rituals, Candlelight, Song, Loss, Comfort, New Traditions, Community, Support, Inspiration, Elevate, Heart, Mind, Flower Moon, Adversity, Military, Podcast Schedule, Mindful Mondays, Content, Personal Experiences, June, Dreams, Goals, Gratitude, Spiritual Team, Grief, Anniversaries, Blessings, Friendships, Opportunities, Life Changes, Mother, Father, Impact, Life Changes, Letting Go, Announcements, Projects


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