The Enchanting Interplay of Numerology and the Lunar Calendar

Ever found yourself wondering how numbers might be quietly influencing your life's trajectory? Joy Woodward, a numerologist who turned her life around with the power of numbers, joins us to reveal the mystic connections between our names, birth dates, and the paths we tread. We journey with her from a conservative beginning to a place of profound insight, examining how numerology can be harnessed for personal growth and practical decision-making, including the meticulous timing for business ventures or selecting the most harmonious baby name.

Love is in the air, and in the digits—Joy and I tackle the role numerology plays in the dance of relationships, debunking myths about compatibility, the energy of the 8, and looking ahead to the Year of the Dragon. Prepare to be surprised by how decluttering your space could not only make room for your car in the garage but also pave the way to growing a family. We also consider how embracing our differences can be the key to a vibrant partnership and why financial planning might need to take the number eight into account more seriously than you think.

Finally, we wade into the mystical waters of moon rituals, discussing the intriguing potential of moon water for raising your vibe and the practicality of aligning decluttering with lunar cycles for success in real estate and beyond. While wrapping up, we share heartfelt gratitude for the gifts that numerology brings into our lives, and I leave you with a playful reminder to keep your vibrations high and your sips of moon water regular—a simple recipe for a life aligned with the cosmic flow.


(00:00) Numerology and Energy

Joy Woodward shares her journey as a numerologist, discussing the impact of numbers on our lives and practical applications in everyday situations.

(14:21) Love and Dragon Year Numerology

Nature's impact on fertility, numerology in relationships, and the energy of the Year of the Dragon in 2024.

(21:19) Numerology and Financial Planning Secrets

Nature's number eight in numerology can bring both abundance and financial challenges, affecting authority, promotions, and legal troubles.

(28:45) Harnessing Moon Water for High Vibes

Timing is crucial in real estate, using lunar cycles and numerology. Decluttering physical and digital spaces attracts new opportunities and embracing change leads to success.

(45:34) High Vibe Numerology Services and Gratitude

Joy's precise insights and the value of time are emphasized, along with spreading love and light and staying hydrated with moon water.

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Letting Go with the Full Moon´s Glow


Embracing Gratitude: Cultivating Joy and Resilience in Your Everyday Life