Letting Go with the Full Moon´s Glow

Join us under the enchanting glow of the full moon for a soul-soothing session of release and forgiveness on Mindful Mondays. As your host, Jodi Cornish, I guide you through the ebb and flow of our emotions during the lunar cycle, highlighting the full moon's powerful influence on our well-being. Together, we explore the art of letting go, using the full moon as a catalyst to shed the weight of old resentments and welcome a healthier, more harmonious state of being. I also share a transformative meditation exercise, inviting you to find a tranquil space to embrace forgiveness and clear the path for new, positive energies to enter your life. Plus, discover the importance of decluttering not just our minds, but our physical spaces to invite fresh opportunities and vibrant vibes.

As we wrap up in the comforting embrace of the season, whether you're sipping a warm cup of tea or basking in sunnier climates, I extend wellness and positive energy wishes to all. I'm excited to introduce the concept of 'moon water' and its revitalizing properties to uplift your spirit throughout the week. Tune in and allow this episode to be your companion, ensuring you stay hydrated and centered, and don't forget to infuse your daily routines with a splash of gratitude. As we embark on this journey together, I'm eager to hear from you—our radiant souls—and ensure your experience is as clear and enriching as the positive intentions we send out into the universe.

(03:00 - 04:46) Navigating Frustration During Lunar Cycles
(17:57 - 20:20) Mindful Meditation for Emotional Release

Take Aways:
-Embrace the warmth and brighter days that are coming, even if the weather is still cold.
-Handle frustrating moments with gratitude and self-care.
-Practice forgiveness to let go of resentment and improve your health and wellness.
-Journal and reflect on your experiences to deepen your understanding and growth.

Full Moon, Forgiveness, Meditation, Emotions, Gratitude, Wellness, Positive Energy, Cleansing, Moon Water, Community, Clarity, Enrichment, Lunar Cycle, Resentments, Health, Decluttering, Physical Space, Opportunities, Productivity, Jodi Cornish, Release, Letting Go



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