Untangling Trauma: Aquatic Therapy, Zentangle and Tantric Wisdom

Embarking on a personal journey can often lead us to unexpected places, and for Holistic Therapist, Lam Yuen and Co-Owner of Satisana Medicine Healing Center, those places are rooted in the art of holistic healing. Join us as we explore a realm where water becomes a conduit for courage, breath transforms into a tool for liberation, and art serves as a mirror to the soul. Lam's wisdom in aquatic therapy, tantric massage, breathwork, Zentangle and many other modalities,  unveils the profound impacts these practices can have on overcoming life's blockages and traumas. His approach, centered on the power of love and meditation, shines a light on how we might balance the darker aspects of our lives with positivity and growth.

There's something deeply moving about hearing someone's life story, especially when it's dotted with trials and triumphs that resonate with our own. This episode, we're joined by a guest whose heartwarming narrative takes us from a traditional Christian upbringing and familial challenges all the way to a nursing career that eventually evolved in pursuit of holistic therapies worldwide. Their solo bicycle journey across Europe is not just a travelogue but a meditation on gratitude, family ties, and the healing nature of simple human necessities. It's a story that underscores the importance of our narratives in understanding health and well-being.

As we wrap up our conversation, we're reminded of the transformative power of connecting with our essence through practices like Zentangle and intense breathwork. Lam guides us through the intimate process of tantric sessions, where moving sexual energy is not only healing but deeply empowering, enhancing our self-connection and opening our hearts to love's true nature. If you're seeking to infuse your life with high vibes, staying hydrated and positive, then Lam's wisdom is a wellspring you won't want to miss. We leave you with an invitation to carry peace, love, and light into every moment until we meet again in our next enlightening episode.

Connect with Lam or to get more information about Satisana Medicine Healing Center, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/satisana

Holistic Healing, Aquatic Therapy, Tantric Massage, Breathwork, Zentangle, Self-Discovery, Healing Modalities, Personal Growth, Love, Meditation, High Vibes, Gratitude, Family Ties, Healing Nature, Simple Human Necessities, Sexual Energy, Trauma Release, Sensuality, Pleasure, High-Vibe Lifestyle, Hydration, Positivity, Community, Connection, Peace, Love, Light, Satisana Medicine, Puerto Vallarta


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